Hey there,
New month, new readings, findings & podcast episodes!
I also recorded a Behind the Scenes episode about how I make these Minds Behind Maps episodes, using Jason's episode as an example. This episode is available on my Patreon, for the 'Producer' Tier.
I go over how I find my guests, prepare for interviews, run the conversation itself, edit, do all the post production and finally publish these episodes.
Every year, in the second half of December I like taking some time to look back on the year that is coming to an end. It’s a practice I’ve been doing for a few years now and get a lot of value from.
Just like last year, next MBM episode will be a aggregate of some of the best conversations I’ve had throughout the year, and I would like to write a newsletter reflecting back on the past 12 months of running the podcast. Last year I shared how much money I made & spent running the podcast and I plan on doing the same thing this year too. Spoiler: both categories went up!
Until next time,
I was asked to give bio for a conference. It wasn't approved, but here nobody can stop me: "Maxime Lenormand doesn't have a clue what he's doing with his life: at the moment he plays around with satellite imagery hoping to make something useful out of it. When he's not doing that he asks people long winded questions about the meaning of life, what books they like and how the heck they ended up also playing with maps all day"
In a few days, the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator is going to come out, « Flight Simulator 2024 ». You might know the genre, and maybe you also think it’s just a video game. I’ve got a story about this The reality is that it’s the latest release in a series that’s been going on for more than 40 years. It's a story that starts on an Apple computer in the late 70s, is tied to the history of personal computers and, well of course mapping. I’ve been into aviation and airplanes before I ever...
The last Friday of September was my last day at Overstory: If you follow me here, it's probably because you've at some point listened to my podcast Minds Behind Maps or come across one of my videos. Those are most of the public presence I show online, but in reality the smaller part of what my awake, working brain has spent its time on over the last 3 years. The podcast started in April 2021, as a covid-my-god-I'm-so-bored-project and has been going on since. At the time, I was working as a...
Hey there, March Findings Google shuts down Google Podcast: <Insert annoyed comment about Google shutting down yet another thing>As might be quite obvious, I spend quite a bit of time thinking about podcasting. Google's relationship to podcasting is weird. On the one hand they're trying to improve Youtube to be a better home for podcasts but then they shut down their dedicated RSS podcast app. I wish Google tried to make some cool innovation, trying to make automated transcripts that pop up...